About us


We have work in more than 15 years to strengthen equality

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No poverty
Best education
Good health

Our Mission

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Become A Volunteer In Our Community

We all have a collective responsibility to leave the world better than we met it. However, some people go a step even further. If you feel a strong desire to help others, then you can become a volunteer in our Ryvanz-Mia Childcare community.

Why Volunteer with Us?

No man is an island of resources or knowledge. At least a part of our success can be attributed to the contributions of others. Along the line, you must have had people who played instrumental roles in your life. It is only ideal to repay this “debt,” which is an excellent reason to become a volunteer. Apart from this motive, there are other benefits of volunteering:

  • You find happiness and fulfillment around our children.
  • Happier people generally give more and vice versa.
  • You learn more by becoming a volunteer and seeing life differently as you interact with the children and the community.
  • You build life-lasting relationships with the organization. You do this with co-volunteers, natives, beneficiaries of your service, and other associates.

There are several ways to become a volunteer. You can donate cash, properties, time, and efforts to a cause. Some ways to help are:

  • We Care for foster families, especially children, the aged, and widows. These extremes of age often need extra attention in adult literacy classes.
  • You will Volunteer with our preschool Hope Memorial School. Often, teachers and educators do not receive enough credits. Offering educational infrastructure is an excellent way to uplift their spirits. Sponsor a project.
  • Help in coaching a local youth team. Many talented children out there do not have the proper support. They need effective management.


  • You will have the opportunity to serve on our local community board. Non-profit organizations like Ryvanz-Mia Childcare needs extra support at times. Your ideas would be beneficial if you have administrative talents or board experience.
  • Tour guide. Touring centers, art galleries, museums, zoos, etc., could use your service. If you enjoy being around people, then this is a great opportunity.

  • We offer free medical services as part of our commitment to serving everyone’s life. Our children constantly need medical assistance.
  • Support our Virtual administrative volunteering for two hours is most needed. The world is a global village, and you can offer your services from the comfort of your home. Feel free to contact us

Become A Volunteer in Our Community

Our community provides a platform for you to serve wholeheartedly. We believe that age, race, education, cultural beliefs, etc., do not stop us from truly being who we are. Click on the link to watch the happy dance of Ryvanz-Mia children and volunteers.


Whether you are a youth, college student, retiree, religious group, or government organization, you can become a volunteer. Give something today. Apply today.


We've funded 12,503 charity projects for 25M people
around the world

With  $25 or more your contributions help us provide educational materials to support  thousands of children we serve.