Help Our Cause


Help us to make a difference

Ryvanz-Mia Childcare in Ghana is now managed by its sister organization, Ryvanz-Mia Charity, a 501(c)3 nonprofit in the U.S. Please consider making tax-deductible donations through their secure donation portal to support children’s education and growth in Kpando through our programs.

In Ghana or any country that uses  MTN Mobile Money (MOMO) using the following Ghana numbers:+233 53 968 0433 (MoMo) Name: Venunye Djentuh.

Feeding program in preschool

Our supporters and volunteers are very important to us. You can assist us by volunteering, spreading the word, or donating money. Any contribution is valuable, even small donations.

Where We Spend Donations

We undertake yearly sustainable farming projects like Maize and Cassava Farming, Piggery/Poultry, and Goat rearing projects, some of which are ongoing. 

Our sustainable projects are designed to provide the needs of every foster child who is in desperate poverty. Generating self-sustaining incomes breaks the poverty cycle and provides for the children’s needs and their community. We firmly believed that our sustainable projects could make a long-term impact both for the children and communities that help our children.

Our cause is providing food for our children at Hope Memorial School  and beyond Kpando. Volunteers and organizations help us educate and solve health issues. Join us by contacting our staff or volunteers.

We’ll provide transitional housing and rent support to aid in the reintegration of our young adults. Training young adults to have vocational skills. They will learn independence and have access to education. Our organization will cover tuition for brilliant but needy students.

We believe education can reduce poverty. We provide quality education to the less privileged for $150 per term. We also support our foster children’s schooling and apprenticeships. Help us Fight Poverty among foster children in Kpando by donating generously and volunteering.

Other ways to donate

How can you help?

There are other ways you can participate in our program and projects. Whether you get involved with Ryvanz-Mia Childcare as a donor, potential Ryvanz-Mia Childcare supporter, volunteer partner, advocate, or ambassador of Ryvanz-Mia Childcare, you can improve a child’s future. 


Chilldren of Hope Memorial School

With  $25 or more your contributions help us provide educational materials to support  thousands of children we serve.