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Support Ryvanz-Mia Farm Program 4

Supporting Less Privileged Children Through Our Yearly Farm Project

In a world where food security is a pressing issue, millions of children face hunger daily, with little access to ...
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Children of RMC says Thank you!

Give a helping hand for a needy people

You can sponsor a child’s general well-being. You become a child’s sponsor with a minimum of $40 a month. Sponsors ...
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Volunteer Trip Part Two

Volunteer Trip to Kpando (Part Two)

I stayed at Ryvanz-Mia Childcare to learn about its mission and volunteer at the school. Ryvanz-Mia is located in Kpando, ...
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Sussana and Funani at Ryvanz-Mia Childcare-Kpando

Volunteer Trip to Kpando (Part One)

Kpando is a Municipal located in the Volta Region of Ghana. It is about 7 hours away from the Regional ...
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Girl Child Empowerment and support.

The future is female! It’s a statement of hope throughout the world. Once you have educated a girl child, the ...
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Tribute to the late Mr. Edward Edzeani from staff and children.

Tribute to the late Mr. Edward Edzeani from the staff and children. “And God shall wipe away all tears from ...
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With  $25 or more your contributions help us provide educational materials to support  thousands of children we serve.