Our Impact

Our Farm Projects.

Sustainable agriculture projects.

Our organization aims to continuously grow, improve, and run self-sustaining programs to provide the monetary and educational tools needed by every child in our foster home. We undertake different sustainable projects like Maize and Cassava farming, and Goat rearing, some of which are ongoing. Generating self-sustaining incomes breaks the poverty cycle and provides for the children’s needs and community. We firmly believe that our sustainable projects could make a long-term impact both for the children and communities that help our foster home. Over the years, volunteers have sponsored our poultry initiative programs, which is no exception. We train orphans to become valuable and highly skilled in poultry management with the help of a qualified poultry farmer. If you feel like you would like to help with poultry farming or any other project we have, please feel free to contact us at [email protected].We will gladly assist you with the expenses and other helpful information.

With  $25 or more your contributions help us provide educational materials to support  thousands of children we serve.