Former player of Heart Of Lions FC gives to orphans

Former player of Kpando Heart Of Lions FC BENJAMIN AGYARI visited the Ryvanz-Mia Childcare to donate few items to the orphanage. He encourages the children to study hard and hope the good Lord will help the home expand and grant the founder and children good health and longevity.

The founder took the opportunity to thank the former player Mr. Benjamin Agyari and his entourage for the donation.

Ryvanz-Mia Childcare was established in 2006 as a charitable a nonprofit organization in Kpando, Ghana devoted to making life a better place for orphans and foster children through various initiatives designed to support, feed, educate and house a foster/orphan child in need.

RMC was legally registered as a non-profit, NGO in 2006 with the Registrar Generals Department in the Republic of Ghana.

If you feel moved by the causes Ryvanz-Mia Childcare (Orphanage) promotes, we would very much appreciate your support. We would also welcome anyone who would like to visit us whether it be for only a few hours to play and teach the children, volunteer with us for a longer period or set up donations, please feel free to email us.

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